
The word duties can be defined as the following:
01 → A moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.
02 → A task or action that one is required to perform as part of one’s job.
The initial concept behind the studio name was to have something that represented the notion of a solid work ethic, being service-minded, and demonstrating responsibility to our clients. Secondly, it’s a flexible word choice that can be built upon to encompass a larger brand ecosystem and naming conventions for various studio outputs. When we are on duty we are engaged in client work. After hours, we are off-duty exploring other creative pursuits and curating our playlists on Spotify(Sound Duty).
Off-Duty is a shop concept and creative extension of the studio, allowing us to produce items across a range of categories with a focus on quality, durability, and a bit of fun along the way.
Welcome to the After-Hours Leisure Program.